Distance Learning Nursing Programs : Online Nursing Degree Programs For You by Timothy Shaker
The profession of nursing is a noble one, allowing you to serve your fellow man in the best ways possible - providing them with loving care when they are ill and hospitalized. In order to begin a nursing career, you will need a degree in nursing. But what if you are already working somewhere and do not have the time or opportunities to pursue a fulltime degree program at a university? Have no fear - this is where online nursing degree programs come into play.
Currently, despite the severe drop in career opportunities and salaries in many sectors due to the global recession, there is a nationwide shortage of good nurses, and nursing degrees from reputed universities are held in great regard by employers - nursing has never been better as a career choice! Registered nurses of today in the USA receive an average salary of more than $60,000, and that is without even counting the hefty relocation allowances and signing bonuses.
The advantages of earning a nursing degree online are numerous. Many famous universities offer nursing degree programs, which allow working professionals to further their education without letting it interfere with anything else. Online degree programs allow students to learn at their own pace, without having to neglect their family or their careers. The students of online nursing degree programs have access to their classrooms at any given time, whenever it is convenient for them, and from anywhere - as long as there is an internet connection. It allows current work schedules of the students to be maintained perfectly, allowing simultaneous progress in terms of both career and education.
To remain employable in the highly competitive job market of this era, a person must have a significant edge over his/her competitors, and nothing is better than a degree from a reputed college to prove the presence of that edge. Nursing degrees of various levels can be obtained - Associates in Nursing, BSN, MSN or Nurse Practitioner - as long as you have the prerequisites required for each one, you can easily achieve it.
A Registered Nurse degree can provide you not only with more knowledge to shine in your career, but it also makes you eligible for your dream job in the nursing sector, one you could not have achieved without that degree. Some of the nursing degrees offered online by colleges are accelerated, which means they can also save your valuable time by letting you earn the degree faster through special modifications in the study plan. Postgraduate nursing programs are also abundant, so prepare to do a bit of research online and determine exactly what you need before signing up for a degree.
Selecting the right nursing school can be quite a chore, but many good colleges such as the University of Phoenix, Indiana State University and Gonzaga University now offer accredited nursing degree programs which you can obtain from the comfort of your home without having to attend a single class at the actual campus. So, take your pick and start on your way up to reaching your career dreams!
About the Author
The only recognized Online Nursing Degree Programs IN THE ENTIRE PLANET!
Source: Online nursing degree, distance learning nursing program, online nursing articles at www.goarticles.com
29 September 2009
Online Nursing Degree Programs For You
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27 September 2009
Nursing Degrees - Admission To An Online Nursing Degree In 3 Easy Steps
Online Nursing Degrees - Admission To An Online Nursing Degree In 3 Easy Steps by Tanya Shultz
Guide for Nursing DegreesAn online nursing course is your very best bet if there is not much time to go and enroll yourself in a physical nursing course to further your studies. Online nursing degrees are no different from your regular courses. You get to have the theoretical classes online and have your practice or your clinical exposure done in a clinical facility that is in your area. Here are three easy steps that will guide you if it is how best you could enroll yourself for an online nursing degree that is wondering you.Step #1The nursing schools that have a facility of providing online nursing programs should be searched for by logging onto the internet. Online nursing degree is provided by many colleges and universities that are there. The university chosen should be accredited which should be made certain of and the approval of NLN or the national League should be there for the program that you have chosen. This approval will come in handy when you are looking for an employment or if you are looking to even further your studies. Make certain that you also compare the curriculum and syllabus being provided by the online nursing degree against a regular course to ensure that such a course meets the requirements of NLN.Step #2Having chosen a few universities find out about their employment rate. The facts about their students who have gotten the online nursing degree and have been successfully employed will be highlighted by the universities. Universities that have an impeccable employement track record should be choosen by narrowing down your choice. To avoid just sticking to the theories and to get hands-on experience in nursing your choice can be narrowed further down to those universities that arrange for clinical exposure in your area. Step #3Go ahead and apply online with all the three schools or universities now that your choice has narrowed down tremendously or more or less narrowed down to just two or nursing degree programs . You would be got back to soon to give you details about your selection and other formalities that are to be finished by you once they start processing your application. On successful completion of the same you would be enrolled as their new student and you could start learning.Remember that such an online nursing degree is a gift. Good use of that should be made. It requires the same amount of hard work that you will have to put in going to a regular nursing school or university. Most employers would not understand the importance of an online nursing program. In such a case ensure that you point out the facts that your course was approved by the NLN, is up-to-date and that you have enough clinical exposure too. With the highest score your employer could be impressed to top all this. Its all upto you now. In these three easy steps you have been shown about how to apply for an online nursing course. To get this nursing degree online make certain that you work really hard once the admission is got.
About the Author
Tanya Shultz is a bestselling author about nursing degrees. She recommends this site for nursing degrees info.
Source: Online nursing degree, distance learning nursing programs articles at www.goarticles.com
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22 September 2009
Get Your Accredited Online Masters Degree In Nursing While You Work
Online Nursing Degree Articles : Get Your Accredited Online Masters Degree In Nursing While You Work by Indah Mohd
Get your accredited online masters degree in nursing while you work, at home or even on vacation. You can get the degree comfortably right from home without much effect on your usual schedule, daily activities or family responsibilities with the help of a computer and internet connections. Online post graduate nursing program is convenient, flexible, cheap and affordable.
You can do online certificate course, online diploma program, online associate degree, online bachelors degree, online masters degree or online doctorate degree in various fields like engineering, public health, management, sociology, criminal justice, international relations, law, accounting, computer science, public administration, theology, paralegal studies, etc.
If you want to get to the top on health management or medical profession, online masters degree in nursing is the best option for you. You don't need to spend money and time going to attend lectures in the college or university campus. You don't need to go to another city or country to rent an apartment to study nursing masters degree. You can be doing your circular job and at the same time doing your e-learning program.
Distance learning graduate programs eliminate age, race and geographic barrier. You can arrange the course work to suit your personal or business activities. It is convenient for working adults, family Mum, people nursing sick parents and people with busy schedule.
Finally, online Nursing education is one of the fast growing. The flexibility nature of online masters degree in Nursing make the program to achieve success. The students are mainly family women that have children at home who want to increase their earning or get promotion in their respective hospitals.
About the Author
To Get Your Accredited Online Masters Degree In Nursing While You Work, click here Online Masters Degree In Nursing
Source: Online nursing degree, nursing distance learning education, online master degree in nursing articles at www.goarticles.com
ป้ายกำกับ: Online Nursing Articles
18 September 2009
Nursing Degree Online
Nursing Degree Online by Elijah James
Did you know that if you want to become a nurse, you don't have to go to a school or hospital to earn your degree? You can actually earn a degree in nursing just by taking up an online course.
So how does it work? All you have to do is make sure you have access to a computer and an Internet connection. You need this to access your study plans and also to be able to receive and send your assignments to your respective teachers. You don't even have to set foot on a school campus of any kind.
Of course, this nursing degree online course is not the best thing for classes that involve you having to be in a clinic and trying things out for yourself. So this is best for all your non-clinical subjects. Non clinical subjects are done through the online classes and anything outside of those classes is fulfilled in a medical facility where it is most appropriate.
Now, like most classes, you will have a special classroom except this one is online. Most online classes are done from the schools own hosted website. Instructors post their lecture materials and assignments to the site and there is even a bulletin board that you can access so that you can get information from other students or check out announcements regarding your curriculum. You will also have times when you can chat with your instructors so you will need to be online so that you can get needed information.
About the Author
For more great information on an Nursing Degree Online visit our new website www.youronlinedegreecenter.com.
Source: Online Nursing Degree, Distance Learning Nursing Education articles at www.goarticles.com
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