24 August 2007

Nursing Assistant Schools Online

Nursing Assistant Schools Online by Michael Bustamante

Searching for Nursing Assistant schools online? In today's competitive nursing industry, it is becoming more difficult to gain entry level positions without having some form of education and training; this is one of the many reasons why online nursing assistant schools might be an ideal option for you.

While there are many vocational and trade schools that provide a variety of health care training programs, the unique difference between community nursing assistant colleges and online colleges is that students can access classes over the Internet 24 hours a day, seven days a week. However, you must understand that online schools require the same or more dedication as traditional schools due to the nature of the field and the personal commitment to independent study.

Common online courses that are provided by online nursing assistant schools include an introduction to nursing assistant duties, as well as classes in infection control, emergency care, home health care, personalized patient care, human anatomy and physiology, vital sign measurements, and other associated patient care practices.

In-depth nursing assistant training will usually include more thorough training that involves online clinical labs. These classes literally bring the phlebotomy laboratory to the computer screen so that prospective nursing assistants can learn how to effectively collect blood specimens, how to inject medicine, and how to perform CPR and First Aid, take a pulse, and perform ultrasound.

Once students have completed all online nursing courses, and have met all requirements for graduation, candidates will need to take an online exam to earn a Nursing Assistant certificate and transcript of completion.

According to the US Dept. of Labor Statistics, professional nursing assistants have the potential to earn between $7 - $14 per hour or more, depending on the level of education and practical experience. So if you think online nursing assistant schools are in your future, why not apply today and take that first step towards a new and rewarding career?

To learn more about Nursing Assistant Online Schools and other programs of study, please search our site for more information and resources.

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