Distance Learning Nursing Articles : Online Nursing Degree Education - Be A Health Professional by Arvind Singh
Online nursing degree education is nursing education imparted through the Internet, without the need to be personally present in a nursing college. This course prepares you for the profession of a nurse.
People have felt attracted to this profession for long, but with the advent of online nursing degree, many have been able to accomplished their dreams The people in this humanitarian profession also get very well paid. Nurses set an example of courage and devotion, in times such as outbreak of diseases or wars.
The constituents Of An Online Nursing Course
The course contents of online nursing degree education are a combination of the main aspects of biology, physical science and social science. It also includes lessons on importance of compassion in a nurse’s profession and significant parts of liberal arts. The important subject areas covered in nursing degree courses are: The structure of Human Body, the functions of various body parts, the essentials of pharmacy, basic medical complications; and fundamental and advanced study of diet and nutrition. The art of dealing with patients and attendants and the skill to act in the event of an emergency is also taught to the students.
All levels of online nursing degrees are available on the Internet. One can study for online nursing continuing education degrees like associate’s degree in Nursing, Bachelor of Science in Nursing or Master of Science in Nursing. Some universities or colleges also have certain higher degrees and certificate choices. The duration of these courses can range from two to four years. Let us individually review a few of these nursing degrees.
To be a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN), a student should possess a diploma in nursing or an associate degree in nursing and a valid Registered Nurse license (RN). It can take 18-24 months to complete. This online nursing degree education program prepares the students, already into nursing, for better career prospects like teaching, executive job in a clinic, hospital plan developer or industry health program planner.
For Master’s in nursing degree (MSN), besides the above requirements of a BSN degree, a student should be presently working or worked, not more than two years back, as a registered nurse in health care unit. This online nursing degree education course concentrates on cultivating leadership qualities in the students, so that they can undertake the significant functions of a nurse. MSN also prepares students for teaching in this subject.
To complete all the courses, a student also needs to present credits for a practical training in nursing and managerial assignments. An accredited online nursing degree education, is considered very valuable, and receives due acknowledgement in reputed medical institutes and clinics.
About the Author
Nursing degree info is an online information bank for people who wish to make successful career in nursing. For professional growth in nursing, go for Online Nursing Degree Education.
Source: http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=722078
31 March 2008
Online Nursing Degree Education - Be A Health Professional
ป้ายกำกับ: Online Nursing Articles
Choose An Online Nursing Degree Program
Distance Learning Online Nursing Articles : Choose An Online Nursing Degree Program by Ekta Jain
Join an online nursing degree program to fulfil your dream of joining the noble profession of nursing, a reward and satisfying career option for the girls.
In this age of internet and information technology there is no wonder that online education is gaining popularity amongst the young generation. They prefer the concept of studying from home rather than going to conventional schools and colleges. Especially when it comes to professional degrees, online education is the trend these days. It gives the freedom and flexibility of completing the degree while doing a job or pursuing another regular course. So, it is quite natural that the online nursing degree program will be a preferred option for all those who are looking forward to take up nursing as a profession.
Online nursing an option for all...
Whether you are student or have just completed your graduation or you are working somewhere, you can enrol for an online nursing degree program to get your online associate nursing degree. As you need not attend classes to take the course and you can complete the studies from your home, you can keep your other commitments as well pursue the nursing training course.
It’s convenient
The major reasons behind the popularity of the online nursing continuing education are the convenience and flexibility it offers. You can study for the online nursing degree program whenever you get free time. So, you enjoy the flexibility of taking the course at the pace in which you feel you are confident and comfortable.
It’s a comprehensive course...
As you take up the online nursing degree program, you can be rest assured of the quality of training that you will get. The online nursing degree course covers all the subjects such as physiology, biological science, pharmacy, clinical practices and medical science. While designing the course the online nursing schools always ensure that your competency level is no less.
The online nursing degree program gives you comprehensive knowledge of the subjects that are related to the nursing profession. You need to take practical training from a healthcare facility to complement that theoretical training.
About the Author
Associate Degree Nursing Online caters to the need of people who have interest in acquiring professional qualification in nursing field. Know more about Online Nursing Degree Program.
Source: http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=720869
ป้ายกำกับ: Online Nursing Articles
24 March 2008
Online Nursing Continuing Education - Right For Working Nurses
Online Nursing Degree Articles : Online Nursing Continuing Education - Right For Working Nurses by Ekta Jain
Nurses need to take continuing education courses to keep themselves informed about recent changes. With online nursing continuing education it becomes easier for them to maintain their work schedules while studying for an online nursing continuing education course.
Nurses can earn Continuing Education credit by attending conferences, seminars, workshops, or by enrolling in online nursing continuing education courses. One Continuing Education Unit is equivalent to ten contact hours. A contact hour is defined as 50 consecutive minutes of participation in a class or activity approved by a nursing board.
Apply For An Online Course
There are numerous accredited online nursing continuing education courses available at very reasonable rates. You can complete the online nursing education courses from the comforts of your home. No need to sacrifice your working hours. Completing an online nursing continuing education course is very easy. Simply choose the course and study it. Then you pass the test and complete the evaluation form. After this you can register and pay the fee. Then you can print the certificate showing successful completion of the course.
In this competitive world, it is simply not enough to have a single degree. To maintain your competitiveness in the workplace, you have to continuously educate yourself. Online nursing degree programs are designed for working nurses to help them evolve in their careers. There are various nursing degree programs available at all levels. You can pursue a diploma, BSN, MSN, or a doctoral program from the comforts of your home and without sacrificing a single hour of work. If you already have a BSN degree, you can pursue an online nursing master degree and become a leader in your profession. There is no shortage of schools offering online nursing education programs.
The changing scenario in the nursing field would make online nursing continuing education degree programs more important for working nurses. Nurses need to put in long hours at work. Along with that they have families to take care of. This makes it impossible for most of them to earn a degree through a regular nursing college. Online nursing degree programs have not only met the educational aspirations of thousands of working nurses, but have also provided the healthcare industry with trained nurses. Without the online programs, the shortages of nurses would have been more acute.
Times have sure changed. There was a time when online education was looked down upon. Today online degrees are offered in every field. Many employers strongly encourage their nurses to pursue online nursing continuing education programs. Online programs have become a convenient means of advancing one’s career. Online education is not education made easy but education made convenient. The idea behind online nursing degree programs is to provide education to working nurses so that they can grow in their professional fields.
About the Author
Nursing degree info is an online information bank for people who wish to make successful career in nursing. For professional growth in nursing, go for Online Nursing Continuing Education. Choose from best Online Nursing Schools.
Source: http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=718169
ป้ายกำกับ: Online Nursing Articles
23 March 2008
Is an LPN to RN Degree the Impossible Dream?
Distance Learning Online Nursing Degree ; Is an LPN to RN Degree the Impossible Dream?
People who are considering joining the nursing field usually have to first decide if they want to become a LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) or a RN (Registered Nurse). A person can become and LPN in about ten months and get out into the work force much quicker than someone going for an RN degree. Many people make the decision to become an LPN for financial reasons. They want to get their nursing license quickly and start earning a living as soon as possible. However, once they become a LPN they are often faced with extremely limited job choices and wish there was a way to go back to school to become an RN.
Working LPNs who are considering returning to college to obtain an Associate or Bachelors degree in nursing are confronted by several harsh realities. The first problem is that campus based nursing schools are facing a severe shortage of nursing educators and are turning away thousands of well qualified applicants each year. The lucky few who do manage to get accepted into traditional nursing programs commonly have to wait between one and two years before they can get a seat in class to begin their studies. Combine those factors with the fact that traditional school schedules are inflexible and make it next to impossible for a working nurse to continue their degree goals without giving up their present job and income and suddenly obtaining a better education seems like an impossible dream!
The internet now makes it possible for working LPNs to continue their education without long waiting time, and without sacrificing their present job and income while in school. LPNs now have the opportunity to obtain an accredited RN or BSN degree online from the convenience of their home, on their schedule, at their own pace, and without ever needing to step foot into a classroom thanks to helpful resources such as www.myonlinenursingdegree.com.
LPN to RN degrees obtained online from accredited colleges and universities are no different from degrees obtained on campus except for the obvious advantages they offer to working nurses; ability to start right away, ability to complete degree programs at an accelerated pace rather than be confined to the fixed schedules that campus programs demand, ability to attend leading universities regardless of where they live, and the ability to keep their present job and income while attending. In addition to those benefits online nursing degrees cost far less than traditional campus based nursing schools and many forms of financial assistance are readily available.
LPNs who get their RN degree gain an immediate salary increase of $13,000 or more, a larger knowledge base, expanded scope of practice, more autonomy, vastly superior career opportunities, job security, pride in accomplishment, and greater satisfaction in their day-to-day job. LPNs who obtain their RN degree frequently report that becoming an RN opened up a vast array of job opportunities that were previously unavailable to them as an LPN and this refreshed and renewed their nursing career as well as improved their home life since greater opportunities in their career helped reduce nursing burn out and workplace stress.
RN’s deliver quality care, promote and manage patient care, supervise LPN’s and assistive personnel, collaborate with other members of the health care team as professionals, and function as patient advocates. As an LPN there IS a way you can earn your RN degree from an accredited nursing school in as little as 12 months. You can learn at your own pace, at your own place, and for a fraction of the cost of traditional campus based programs, and you can keep your job and income while you do it. Discover how convenient and affordable earning your LPN to RN degree online can be. Don’t delay any longer. It’s your future. It’s your career. You can have a better tomorrow – starting today.
About the Author: Sara Ellis RN, BSN has practiced nursing more than 20 years. Visit her online nursing education site to discover how to turn your LPN to RN degree dream into a reality today. The information is free. The benefit to your future is priceless.
Source: http://www.easyarticles.com/article-7360.htm
ป้ายกำกับ: Online Nursing Articles, Online Nursing LPN to RN
Nursing Continuing Education For the 21st Century
Online Nursing Degree : Nursing Continuing Education For the 21st Century
One need only to scan a newspaper or read a weekly magazine to be astounded by the number of stories about new medical breakthroughs, disease processes, emerging threats of disease, or innovations in medical and health care technology. The World Health Organization warns us to prepare for a potential worldwide Bird Flu epidemic, terrorists threaten us with chemical, biological and nuclear weapons, and new protocols for ACLS are released. How is a working nurse to keep up?
Nursing education provides the basic building blocks of medical, scientific, and nursing knowledge, but competence in the nursing profession requires an ongoing process of continuing education. Continuing education for nurses is necessary for the nurse to remain up to date with the latest practice issues and it is necessary for patients safety as well. Some states have made continuing education for nurses mandatory and require a certain number of course credit hours be attained before license renewal, or require certain mandatory course subjects, while other states leave it to the nursing professional themselves to accept a personal responsibility for their own continued learning. Regardless of whether nursing continuing education, or Nursing CEUS as such programs are commonly referred to, are mandatory in ones state or not, all nurses who describe themselves as professionals need to be willing and ready to implement change in their own practice by realizing that competence in any profession requires periodic updating.
Methods of obtaining nursing continuing education hours and the pros and cons of each:
1. Professional Journals: Most professional nursing journals offer an article for continuing education credit. Some offer a partial credit hour or one credit hour to readers who fill out a post test after reading the article and mail it in. While some journals offer the credit for free, others charge $10 or more and in addition to the inconvenience of needing to tear out a post test form and mail it in the nurse has no official record of having taken and passed the course. Obtaining continuing education hours through professional journals is costly and inefficient in that the cost of the journal itself must be taken into consideration along with the cost of the course if there is one, and the time and expense of mailing in addition to the lack of official record of completion and lack of central maintenance of all credits accumulated by the nurse. Additionally, nurses who rely on professional journals for their CEU hours are typically only exposed to courses related to their own specialty rather than a broader range of topics that they actually need to be exposed to in today's ever evolving health care climate.
2. Seminars: Professional development programs and seminars that offer accredited continuing education hours for nurses are frequently offered at various locations in every state, in some foreign countries, and even on cruises. Employers frequently pay the registration fees for nurses to attend local seminars of short duration such as one day, but nurses still have to sacrifice their precious day off to attend them or lose time from work to do so. In addition nurses who attend seminars away from home have to pay their own travel expenses, hotel bills, and costs of meals. Needless to say cruises and foreign travel are an appealing avenue, but obtaining one's continuing education by that method is not something every working nurse can afford to do.
3. Online Nursing CEUS: The internet provides nurses access to extremely affordable and high quality accredited continuing education courses covering a plethora of professional nursing topics. Online nursing ceu courses are the gateway to nursing continuing education for the 21st century! Nurses who take advantage of online ceu courses are not restricted by geographical barriers, financial hardships, or the inconvenience of taking time from work or family in order to attend courses. Online nursing continuing education courses are readily available for both mandatory state required subjects, courses in one's own nursing specialty, and courses that all nurses regardless of practice specialty need to be familiarized with so nurses have access to a much broader choice of subject matters than they ever had before when restricted primarily to journals or seminars. In addition to those benefits, substantial as they are, online nursing ceu courses are inexpensive, up to date with changing trends, can be taken from the comfort of ones own home, generally allow nurses who take them to keep an official record of courses completed and credit hours earned online with the course provider, and allow nurses who complete a course to print the course certificate immediately upon completion.
In order to stay professional and to safeguard the wellbeing of the public nurses need to continue their education over the course of their career through a variety of means including taking continuing education courses. The most convenient and most cost effective method of nursing continuing education is by taking online Nursing CE courses. Online nursing continuing education courses are readily available, flexible, offer online tracking, and provide nurses with the broad scope of subjects they need to familiarize themselves with in order to keep up to date in today's ever changing health care climate. One popular and helpful place to get online nursing ceu's is at Medi-Smart Nursing Resources Free Online Nursing CEU directory at http://medi-smart.com/freeceu.htm . Online nursing continuing education is indeed the face of nursing continuing education for the 21st century!
About the Author: Sara Ellis RN, BSN. Visit Medi-Smart Nursing Resources for accredited online nursing ceus, online nursing degrees, extensive clinical resources, active nursing forums, and nursing jobs .
Source: http://www.easyarticles.com/article-4014.htm
ป้ายกำกับ: Online Nursing Articles
22 March 2008
Online Nursing Degree - Nursing Education
Core Courses
NURS 601 Health Care Perspectives (3 credit hours)
NURS 605 Nursing Theory Development (3 credit hours)
EPSY 612 Statistical Methods (3 credit hours) - or -
HLTH 604 Research Design and Data Analysis in Health and Human Performance (3 credit hours)
NURS 633 Nursing Research (3 credit hours)
Classroom Course Work and Practica
NURS 653 Curriculum Process in Nursing (3 credit hours)
NURS 662 Measurement and Assessment in Nursing Education (3 credit hours)
NURS 673 Education Practices in Nursing (4 credit hours)
NURS 683 Advanced Clinical Concepts in Nursing Education (4 credit hours)
Culminating Experience
Select one of the following:
NURS 697 Evidence Based Practice for Advanced Practice Nurses (3 credit hours)
NURS 698 Culminating Project (3 credit hours)
NURS 699 Master's Thesis (6 credit hours)
Course Descriptions
All courses are delivered via the Internet. Clinicals can be arranged in the student's community.
Note: High-speed Internet access is required. For details see Computer Requirements
EPSY 612 Statistical Methods-3 hours.
A basic course in statistics. Topics include descriptive statistics, probability, selected sampling distributions, correlation and simple linear regression, and elementary hypothesis testing (e.g., t-tests, chi-square). Students learn to use computer software appropriately to analyze their data, and to interpret computer output.
HLTH 604 Research Design and Data Analysis in Health and Human Performance-3 hours.
Designed to familiarize graduate students with research design and data analysis including scientific methodology, data collection, and statistical analyses. Includes an introduction to computerized data manipulation, analyses, interpretation, and presentation.
NURS 601 Health Care Perspectives-3 hours.
The course focuses on an analysis of policies, ethics, and finance in health care delivery and the role of advanced practice nursing in health care delivery systems.
NURS 605 Nursing Theory Development-3 hours.
The student will analyze and synthesize nursing, behavioral, natural and applied sciences theories, frameworks, and models and apply them to advanced nursing practice.
NURS 633 Nursing Research-3 hours.
The course provides an in-depth analysis of research processes used in advanced practice nursing. Emphasis is placed on methods for validating, refining, and extending nursing research. Prerequisite or concurrent: enrollment in statistics.
NURS 653 Curriculum Process in Nursing-3 hours.
Historical foundations, processes of curriculum development and new paradigms in nursing education are examined. Theories and conceptual frameworks for curriculum development are explored. Educational needs of practical, associate, baccalaureate, graduate, and continuing nursing education programs are differentiated. Three classroom hours per week. Pre-requisite 605 or consent of instructor.
NURS 662 Measurement and Assessment in Nursing Education-3 hours.
This course focuses on methods of assessment/measurement of theory and clinical learning for undergraduates and graduates, in campus and distance education environments. Assessment methods for adult learners in community healthcare settings will also be identified. Three classroom hours per week. Prerequisites: 601 and 605 or consent of instructor.
NURS 673 Educational Practices in Nursing-4 hours.
Teaching methods, evaluation tools, and the complexities of the educator role are explored. Guided teaching experiences with a selected mentor/preceptor provide opportunities to plan, implement and evaluate classroom and clinical instruction in various settings. Two classroom hours and an average of six clinical hours per week. Prerequisites: 653 and 663.
NURS 683 Advanced Clinical Concepts for Nurse Educators-3 hours.
Advanced concepts of health promotion, acute interdisciplinary intervention, and restorative health are explored in theory and clinical practice. Knowledge and skills are developed in a specialty area of nursing practice. Three classroom hours and an average of 6 clinical hours per week. Prerequisites: 601 and 605 or consent of the instructor.
NURS 697 Evidence Based Practice for Advanced Practice Nurses-3 hrs.
This course is designed to prepare advanced practice nurses to base clinical decision making on current research. Problem based learning will be used to examine clinical research, develop evidence based guidelines based on that research, and design an evaluation plan to determine the effectiveness of the guidelines. Prerequisite courses: 633. As this course is a substitution for a culminating project or thesis, this course must be taken during the final semester of the graduate nursing program.
NURS 698 Culminating Project-1-3 hours.
The student will complete the non-thesis option, culminating project. A student must complete at least 3 credits during the master’s program of study. Prerequisite: 633.
NURS 699 Master’s Thesis-6 hours.
Prerequisite: By permission of chair of thesis committee.
ป้ายกำกับ: Nursing Educators, Online Master of Science in Nursing, Online Nursing Indiana State University
Online Nursing - Nursing Administration
Online Nursing Degree : Master's in Nursing: Nursing Administration Specialization
Online University : Indiana State University
The master of science in nursing (with a nursing administration specialization) includes 32-38 credit hours (listed below).
Core Courses
NURS 601 Health Care Perspectives (3 credit hours)
NURS 605 Nursing Theory Development (3 credit hours)
EPSY 612 Statistical Methods (3 credit hours) - or -
HLTH 604 Research Design and Data Analysis in Health and Human Performance (3 credit hours)
NURS 633 Nursing Research (3 credit hours)
Classroom Course Work and Practica
NURS 500X Nursing Informatics (3 credit hours)
NURS 651 Theories of Health Care Administration (3 credit hours)
NURS 652 Financial Management for Health Care Managers (3 credit hours)
NURS 671 Administrative Practices in Health Care Administration (2-5 credit hours)
Guided Electives (6 credit hours)
Culminating Experience
Select one of the following:
NURS 697 Evidence Based Practice for Advanced Practice Nurses (3 credit hours)
NURS 698 Culminating Project (3 credit hours)
NURS 699 Master's Thesis (6 credit hours)
Course Descriptions
All courses are delivered via the Internet. Clinicals can be arranged in the student's community.
Note: High-speed Internet access is required. For details see Computer Requirements
EPSY 612 Statistical Methods-3 hours.
A basic course in statistics. Topics include descriptive statistics, probability, selected sampling distributions, correlation and simple linear regression, and elementary hypothesis testing (e.g., t-tests, chi-square). Students learn to use computer software appropriately to analyze their data, and to interpret computer output.
HLTH 604 Research Design and Data Analysis in Health and Human Performance-3 hours.
Designed to familiarize graduate students with research design and data analysis including scientific methodology, data collection, and statistical analyses. Includes an introduction to computerized data manipulation, analyses, interpretation, and presentation.
NURS 500 Topics in Nursing-1-3 hours.
Includes selected nursing topics as they relate to current issues, trends, and/or practices in nursing. Specific topics, some of which may have a clinical component, vary each semester. May be repeated if a different topic is studied. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
NURS 601 Health Care Perspectives-3 hours.
The course focuses on an analysis of policies, ethics, and finance in health care delivery and the role of advanced practice nursing in health care delivery systems.
NURS 605 Nursing Theory Development-3 hours.
The student will analyze and synthesize nursing, behavioral, natural and applied sciences theories, frameworks, and models and apply them to advanced nursing practice.
NURS 633 Nursing Research-3 hours.
The course provides an in-depth analysis of research processes used in advanced practice nursing. Emphasis is placed on methods for validating, refining, and extending nursing research. Prerequisite or concurrent: enrollment in statistics.
NURS 651 Theories of Health Care Administration-3 hours.
This course is designed to be an overview of theories of administration as they relate to the functions and responsibilities of a variety of nursing and healthcare administrator leadership roles. The student will analyze administrative theories and models for their application to health care administration. Three classroom hours per week.
NURS 652 Financial Management for Healthcare Managers-3 hours.
This course focuses on the economic and financial aspects of healthcare management with an emphasis on the management of patient care delivery. The budgetary process will be analyzed and its relationship to the larger health care system financial and economic environments will be explored. Three classroom hours per week.
NURS 671 Administrative Practices in Healthcare Administration-2-5 hours.
This course is designed to be an overview of nursing and health services administrative practices as they relate to the functions and responsibilities of leadership positions in a variety of healthcare settings. Students will apply problem solving strategies to cope with current issues in complex healthcare settings under the direction of a nursing leader or other appropriate preceptor. One classroom hour per week and one to four clinical hours per week (30-180 contact hours). Prerequisite: 651.
NURS 697 Evidence Based Practice for Advanced Practice Nurses-3 hrs.
This course is designed to prepare advanced practice nurses to base clinical decision making on current research. Problem based learning will be used to examine clinical research, develop evidence based guidelines based on that research, and design an evaluation plan to determine the effectiveness of the guidelines. Prerequisite courses: 633. As this course is a substitution for a culminating project or thesis, this course must be taken during the final semester of the graduate nursing program.
NURS 698 Culminating Project-1-3 hours.
The student will complete the non-thesis option, culminating project. A student must complete at least 3 credits during the master’s program of study. Prerequisite: 633.
NURS 699 Master’s Thesis-6 hours.
Prerequisite: By permission of chair of thesis committee.
Source: For more information on Online Nursing Degree at Indiana State University, please visit http://www.indstate.edu/distance/nursing_admin.html
ป้ายกำกับ: Online Master of Science in Nursing, Online Nursing Administration, Online Nursing Indiana State University
Online Nursing - Family Nurse Practitioner
Online Degree : Master's in Nursing: Family Nurse Practitioner Specialization
Online University : Indiana State University
The master of science in nursing (with a family nurse practitioner specialization) includes 48-51 hours (listed below).
Core Courses (9 credit hours)
NURS 601 Health Care Perspectives (3 credit hours)
NURS 605 Nursing Theory Development (3 credit hours)
Plus one of the following:
EPSY 612 Statistical Methods (3 credit hours)
HLTH 604 Research Design and Data Analysis in Health and Human Performance (3 credit hours)
Research (3 credit hours)
NURS 633 Nursing Research (3 credit hours)
Clinical Course Work and Practica (31 credit hours)
LIFS 633 Advanced Pathophysiology (3 credit hours)
NURS 624 Health Assessment and Health Promotion for Advanced Nursing Practice (4 credit hours)
NURS 644 Theoretical Foundations of Family Health Care: Management of Common Chronic and Acute Health Problems I (7 credit hours)
NURS 645 Pharmacology for Advanced Practice Nurses (3 credit hours)
NURS 646 Diagnostic Laboratory for Family Nurse Practitioners (1 credit hour)
NURS 664 Theoretical Foundations of Family Health Care: Management of Common Chronic and Acute Health Problems II (8 credit hours)
NURS 670 Family Nurse Practitioner Preceptorship (5 credit hours)
Family Nurse Practitioner Role (2 credit hours)
NURS 635 Family Nurse Practitioner Role I (1 credit hour)
NURS 675 Family Nurse Practitioner Role II (1 credit hour)
Culminating Experience (3-6 credit hours)
Select one of the following:
NURS 697 Evidence Based Practice for Advanced Practice Nurses (3 credit hours)
NURS 698 Culminating Project (3 credit hours)
NURS 699 Master's Thesis (6 credit hours)
Course Descriptions
All courses are delivered via the Internet. Clinicals can be arranged in the student's community.
Note: High-speed Internet access is required. For details see Computer Requirements
EPSY 612 Statistical Methods-3 hours.
A basic course in statistics. Topics include descriptive statistics, probability, selected sampling distributions, correlation and simple linear regression, and elementary hypothesis testing (e.g., t-tests, chi-square). Students learn to use computer software appropriately to analyze their data, and to interpret computer output.
LIFS 633 Advanced Pathophysiology-3 hours.
The course builds on a basic understanding of pathophysiology, providing in-depth understanding of adaptation and alteration in cellular function, biorhythms, cardiovascular system, pulmonary system, neuroendocrine system, immune system, and musculoskeletal system. Alterations due to internal/external stressors and aging will be identified. Prerequisites: 241 and 274 or equivalents.
HLTH 604 Research Design and Data Analysis in Health and Human Performance-3 hours.
Designed to familiarize graduate students with research design and data analysis including scientific methodology, data collection, and statistical analyses. Includes an introduction to computerized data manipulation, analyses, interpretation, and presentation.
NURS 601 Health Care Perspectives-3 hours.
The course focuses on an analysis of policies, ethics, and finance in health care delivery and the role of advanced practice nursing in health care delivery systems.
NURS 605 Nursing Theory Development-3 hours.
The student will analyze and synthesize nursing, behavioral, natural and applied sciences theories, frameworks, and models and apply them to advanced nursing practice.
NURS 624 Health Assessment and Health Promotion for Advanced Nursing Practice-4 hours.
This course provides a framework for systematic data collection, organization, documentation, and communication of health care data with a focus on differentiating between normal and pathological findings in clients throughout the life span. An emphasis on the holistic approach facilitates an analysis of developmental, familial, historical, cultural, environmental, occupational, and nutritional factors which are integral to the health and illness of the individual/family. Clinical experiences are utilized for the application of knowledge to practice. Two classroom hours and an average of six clinical hours per week. Prerequisites or concurrent: enrollment in 601, 605, 635 or consent of instructor.
NURS 633 Nursing Research-3 hours.
The course provides an in-depth analysis of research processes used in advanced practice nursing. Emphasis is placed on methods for validating, refining, and extending nursing research. Prerequisite or concurrent: enrollment in statistics.
NURS 635 Family Nurse Practitioner Role I-1 hour.
This seminar analyzes family health theories and frameworks. Emphasis is on the integration and application of theoretical and methodological approaches to family health care. The family nurse practitioner’s role and function as a member of an interdisciplinary team are introduced.
NURS 644 Theoretical Foundations of Family Health Care: Management of Common Chronic and Acute Health Problems I-7 hours.
Focus is on the family nurse practitioner’s role in the recognition and management of selected common chronic and acute health problems of clients across the life span which are encountered in primary health care settings. The course integrates assessment, current research findings, and theory into the diagnostic reasoning and management of health care. Concepts of health promotion and maintenance, anticipatory guidance, health education, behavioral management strategies, and family-focused health care are emphasized. Clinical experiences are utilized for the application of knowledge to practice. Three classroom hours and an average of 12 clinical hours per week. Prerequisite: 624. Prerequisites or concurrent: enrollment in 633 and Life Sciences 633.
NURS 645 Pharmacology for Advanced Practice Nurses-3 hours.
This course is designed to prepare advanced practice nurses to manage drug therapy for clients across the life span. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic principles and current research form the foundation for discussion of selected drug groups. Emphasis is given to indications, mechanisms of action, dosages, adverse side effects and control, cost containment, and client education.
NURS 646 Diagnostic Laboratory for Family Nurse Practitioners-1 hour.
This course provides the technical skills, as well as diagnostic reasoning processes, which will enable the family nurse practitioner to collect and analyze laboratory specimens accurately and efficiently. Demonstrations and directed laboratory experiences focus on diagnostic tests commonly encountered in primary health care settings. The appropriate preparation and interpretation of screening procedures for the management of chronic and acute illnesses presented throughout the family nurse practitioner curriculum will be included. Three clinical hours per week.
NURS 664 Theoretical Foundations of Family Health Care: Management of Common Chronic and Acute Health Problems II-8 hours.
This course is a continuation of 644. The focus continues on the family nurse practitioner’s role in the recognition and management of selected common chronic and acute health problems of clients across the life span which are encountered in primary health care settings. The course integrates assessment, current research findings, and theory into the diagnostic reasoning and management of health care. Concepts of health promotion and maintenance, anticipatory guidance, health education, behavioral management strategies, and family-focused health care are emphasized. Clinical experiences are utilized for the application of knowledge to practice. Three classroom hours and an average of 15 clinical hours per week. Prerequisite: 644.
NURS 670 Family Nurse Practitioner Preceptorship-5 hours.
This clinical practicum provides the student with an in-depth focus on the development of leadership and clinical management skills and the application, refinement, and synthesis of knowledge and skills developed in previous didactic and clinical courses. Interdisciplinary collaborative practice and the student’s own advanced nursing practice model are emphasized. An average of 15 clinical hours per week. Prerequisite: 664.
NURS 675 Family Nurse Practitioner Role II-1 hour.
This seminar explores issues related to advanced practice roles and functions. Attention is also given to the individual’s exploration of a personal/professional ideology and clinical style. Prerequisite: concurrent enrollment in 670 or with consent of instructor.
NURS 697 Evidence Based Practice for Advanced Practice Nurses-3 hrs.
This course is designed to prepare advanced practice nurses to base clinical decision making on current research. Problem based learning will be used to examine clinical research, develop evidence based guidelines based on that research, and design an evaluation plan to determine the effectiveness of the guidelines. Prerequisite courses: 633. As this course is a substitution for a culminating project or thesis, this course must be taken during the final semester of the graduate nursing program.
NURS 698 Culminating Project-1-3 hours.
The student will complete the non-thesis option, culminating project. A student must complete at least 3 credits during the master’s program of study. Prerequisite: 633.
NURS 699 Master’s Thesis-6 hours.
Prerequisite: By permission of chair of thesis committee.
Source: For more information on Online Nursing Degree at Indiana State University, please visit http://www.indstate.edu/distance/fnp_specialization.html
ป้ายกำกับ: Online Master of Science in Nursing, Online Nursing Family Nurse Practitioner, Online Nursing Indiana State University
Online Degree : Master Of Science in Nursing
Online University : Indiana State University
Learning Format : Distance Learning Education Programs, Online Nursing Degree
Nursing Master of Science
The master's program in nursing prepares students for leadership and clinical roles in advanced practice nursing, and serves as a foundation for doctoral studies.
Specialization is offered in three areas:
- Family Nurse Practitioner
- Nursing Administration
- Nursing Education
The master degree program can be completed in 2 - 2 1/2 years (full time); or in 3-5 years (part time).
Indiana State University's Nursing Program is accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission. Graduates of the Family Nurse Practitioner Track are eligible to apply for ANCC or AANP certification.
Course Delivery
All nursing courses are offered via the Internet. Clinical courses may be arranged in your community. This on-line program includes lectures delivered via video and audio. High-speed Internet connection is required (as well as a headset and microphone, and web camera). For details, see Computer Requirements.
Degree Requirements
Requirements vary by area of study. For a list of required courses, visit the following links:
- Master's in Nursing -- Family Nurse Practitioner Specialization
48-51 credit hours - Master's in Nursing -- Nursing Administration Specialization
32-38 credit hours - Master's in Nursing -- Nursing Education Specialization
35-38 credit hours
Admission Requirements
Individuals must apply and meet minimum requirements for admission to Indiana State University. See Get Started.
In addition, admission to the Nursing Master's Program requires:
- A baccalaureate degree in nursing from a college or university accredited by the National League for Nursing (or equivalent accreditation association) with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale;
- A current Indiana R.N. license or equivalent in the geographical location where the student will be doing his / her preceptorship or clinical practicum;
- Three letters of reference, including at least one academic and one professional reference;
A personal statement of professional goals; - Evidence of one year full-time work experience as a registered nurse before enrollment in either a role or clinical course.
Academic Advisor
Esther Acree, Interim Dean
College of Nursing
ป้ายกำกับ: Online Nursing Indiana State University
20 March 2008
Acquire An Online Associate Nursing Degree
It's online, it's easy and convenient
Gone are the days when one has to go through the years of training at the conventional training courses that required them to attend the classes and stay at hostels. With the online associate nursing degree programs you can take the nursing training without even attending a single class. The online nursing degree schools provide the training over the internet. Once you enrol for the course, you can access the training manuals and courseware and all you need is computer with internet connectivity and you ready. You can study at any point of time according your convenience and you can control the pace in which you take the course. You can use your spare time to take the course.
Get comprehensive and quality training...
There is a common notion that the online associate nursing degree is not good enough to get a job in the reality. But that is absolutely wrong notion to have. In fact the online associate nursing degree programs are designed in a meticulous way that covers wide range of subjects that are important for a nurse to know. Starting from different aspects of medical science that course also covers other areas like professional ethics and duties and responsibilities of this noble profession.
So, if you ready to take up a noble career of healing the people enrol for online nursing degree program.
Associate Degree Nursing Online caters to the need of people who have interest in acquiring professional qualification in nursing. Know more about Online Associate Nursing Degree.
ป้ายกำกับ: Online Nursing Associate Degree
The Purpose Of Nursing Assistant Programs Online
Part of your training will be written communications, as you will be making notes about patients and they need to be detailed and succinct. Noting any changes in the patient is also something a nursing assistant will do, as you will be working with them more than the physicians and other nursing staff.
The assistants must meet day to day needs from bathing, feeding or just some friendly conversation. While taking a temperature, friendly conversation can brighten a patient's day and allow you to really get to know the person you're helping. Good communication skills are taught on several different levels throughout an online course.
As with any position that you apply yourself to, attention to detail is extremely important. After all, you are working with the care and well-being of all of the patients that you interact with on a daily basis. Because of this, you can be proud to tell everyone you meet that you are skilled in the medical field, have that particular knowledge and have taken the steps to complete an online CNA Certified Nursing Assistant program.
If you have been wanting to take on a challenging and rewarding career that will promise you both a steady income and the chance for advancement, then consider becoming a nursing assistant. If you're not sure if this is the career path for you, then consider utilizing one of the accredited online schools. They are usually a little more cost friendly and you might just find that once you get into it, you've made a wonderful choice.
Mike Selvon's portal will expand your knowledge about the nursing assistant programs. Visit us and leave a comment at our nursing education blog where a free gift awaits you.
18 March 2008
Health Care Opportunities With Online Nursing Degree Program
Online Nursing Degree Articles : Health Care Opportunities With Online Nursing Degree Program Author: Ekta Jain
To keep pace with these ongoing changes in the field of medical care, different universities have come to offer online nursing degree program that will, in the coming years, give boost to health care facilities all over the world.
Special Service Specialized Training:
Online nursing degree program gives you the benefit to complete your coursework from home. Online nursing degrees are designed to meet more specific goals and can be completed more swiftly and conveniently. The course structures of online nursing degree programs are more or less same as traditional nursing programs. But they are more flexible and do not allow you to compromise on your personal responsibilities. Online nursing degree school programs take into consideration the demands of today’s business environment and hence it is much more explicit and demanding.
The demand for nurses having specializations in online nursing degree program is high among employers. They are equipped in a better way to handle a wide range of issues covering primary care, acute care, health promotion and disease prevention measures and so on. Nurses who have been trained in special areas under online master nursing degree programs are more in demand, as they are more capable of focusing particularly in key and acute areas of emergency, operating room, critical care unit and delivery units and so on.
There are many reasons why there is a demand for online nursing degree programs all over. They comprise the largest section of hospital staff and have the maximum responsibility to contribute towards a nation’s long-term care. Nurses provide most of the services in the medical care units. Whether it is a government healthcare body or any other private health care maintenance center, nurses are required everywhere. That is why university education providers have come up with online nursing degree programs to meet the increasing demand of nurses in health care sectors. Employment in nursing homes, whether public or private is expected to grow at a faster rate as there is a demand for nurses who can take care of an increasing number of elderly people who need long term care. The financial pressure exerted on hospital authorities to discharge a patient soon also calls for the need to have more nurses who have special training under online nursing degree program.
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/online-education-articles/health-care-opportunities-with-online-nursing-degree-program-233703.html
Online Nursing Education in a Continuous Manner
Online Nursing Degree Articles : Online Nursing Education in a Continuous Manner Author: Ekta Jain
Online nursing continuing education is an important aspect of online nursing education. This education facility provides online nursing degrees affiliated by various medical colleges and universities and nursing schools. So these schools are also called as online associate nursing degree schools as they are associated with online and regular degree courses on nursing. These schools provide various nursing degrees in association with some other courses based on nursing which is known as online associate nursing degree. These degrees are provided by the main university or school, only the difference is that, they are provided online. Besides these the courses have many advantages over regular courses.
Advantages over regular courses:
Online nursing schools providing online nursing continuing education offers various online courses based on nursing and associated courses. But it has great advantages over regular courses since in regular course they have to dedicate full time on the course whereas in online courses they can adjust the time schedule according to their convenience, thereby working part or full time jobs. Besides this the course fee is also meager in comparison to full time study. As full time courses comprises of added tuition fees, lodging ad fooding charges, hostel dues etc. Online nursing continuing education therefore helps students from poor nations and belongs to financially strained family to fulfill their aspirations to achieve something in the field of nursing by helping and serving people.
Notable points before choosing a school:
Online nursing continuing education is provided by various prestigious institutions; however lots of fake institutions and websites are also available in the internet. So beware of those situations before registering for a course. Rather beating your heads out in repentance of doing such a blunder.
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/online-education-articles/online-nursing-education-in-a-continuous-manner-247558.html
Benefits of Online Nursing Degree Programs
Online Nursing Degree Articles : Benefits of Online Nursing Degree Programs Author: Namita Awasthi
If you are interested in entering the health-care industry, nursing is one profession to consider. With the growing demand for nurses in medical institutions, corporate and private agencies, you will find a varied number of job opportunities available to you. Work hours are normally flexible and Nurses receive high salaries, excellent work benefits, and are generally assured of job security.
Nowadays, you can receive training in nursing through online degree programs. The online courses are considered on par with degrees from regular nursing schools and are accepted by most employers. Check out the different nursing degree programs that are available online.
There are various benefits in going for online nursing degree programs:
Study at your own convenience:
With online degree programs, you save the time and money spent in commuting and can study from the comfort of your own home and complete the course at your own pace. You can choose from a variety of different online nursing degree programs and take your time to finish the course or accelerate through the work and get your degree earlier.
Since online nursing degree programs require a good deal of self-discipline and motivation to complete, they foster critical thinking and independent decision making skills. These abilities are valued by employers as it is very necessary for nurses to be competent and confident on the job.
Get acquainted with the latest technologies:
Online degree programs are conducted entirely over the Internet and usually make use of the latest digital technologies. This will give you a hands-on experience in the use of new software and applications. You will find this of immense help in your later career as most hospitals and medical centers have gone digital and now use computer technology on a very wide scale – from keeping digital medical records to monitoring patients to running life support systems and much more.
Improve your communication and cross-cultural skills:
Nurses with multilingual abilities and experience in dealing with different people of different cultures are especially in demand in the health-care industry. Here online nursing degree programs can help you a great deal as students participating in online degree programs come from all over the world and from varied social background. Regular interactions with your fellow students from abroad will probably give you a pretty good insight on their social, cultural, political, and economic issues. This will come to good use in communicating well with medical colleagues, doctors, hospital administrators, and patients later on, all of whom are sure to come from wide strata of society.
About the Author:
Namita is online correspondent for Education-advancement.com , one of the web's largest online education directories. She has 10 plus years writing experience in demographic research.
Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/online-education-articles/benefits-of-online-nursing-degree-programs-114946.html
14 March 2008
Western Governors University Profile
Western Governors University Profile From Jamie Littlefield
Western Governors University Academics:
Western Governors University is a non-profit virtual college founded by the governors of 19 western states. It offers highly personalized degree programs primarily through competency assessments. Unlike most colleges, Western Governors University has no required courses – instead, students prove their understanding through writing assignments and exams. Students who are already competent in a particular subject may prove their knowledge immediately. Others may study on their own or through virtual coursework until they are ready to show what they know. Mentors create a personal study plan for each student.
Western Governors University Accreditation:
Western Governors University is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Schools, a regional accreditor. It is also nationally accredited by the Distance Education Training Council. Western Governors University’s teacher education programs are accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE).
Western Governors University Degrees and Programs:
Western Governors University offers online bachelor’s degrees in the following majors: Information Technology, Health Informatics, Nursing, Business, Business Management, Finance, Accounting, and Marketing Management. Information Technology students receive 8-9 nationally recognized IT certifications as a part of their program. There are also several bachelor degree options for prospective teachers. Online masters programs include: Business, Nursing, Education, Health Education, Special Education, Mathematics Education, Science Education, and English Language Learning. MBA graduates receive Certified MBA designation.
Western Governors University Admissions:
Prospective undergraduate students must have a high school diploma, submit any previous college transcripts, complete an intake interview, and pass an online readiness exam. The 40-question readiness exam tests the students’ preparation for independent learning (such as writing ability). Graduate students must have a bachelors degree, compete an intake interview, submit transcripts, and pass the readiness exam. Online MBA students must also have three years of relevant work experience. Teacher preparation students have different requirements, based on each student’s home state.
Western Governors University Costs:
Western Governors’ students pay a flat tuition charge, regardless of the number of competency credits they earn. Online MBA and Master of Science in Nursing students pay $3,250 for a six-month term. All other students pay $2,790 for a six-month term. Federal student loans and grants are available to qualified students.
Interesting Fact:
Western Governors University is the only university to ever receive simultaneous recognition from four regional accrediting commissions. Because the college was a collaboration between many state governors (spanning a large geographic area), it was previously reviewed by a special Inter-Regional Accrediting Committee.
Source: http://distancelearn.about.com/od/onlineprogramdirectory/p/WesternGov.htm
ป้ายกำกับ: Online Nursing Western Governors University
11 March 2008
Register With An Online Associate Nursing Degree School
Enrol with an online associate nursing degree school, study from home and turn your dream of becoming a professional nurse in reality.
There are many who cherish the dream of joining the noble profession of nursing but can not manage to take the year long training courses to become a qualified nurse. If you too are one of them, here is a great chance for you. The online associate nursing degree school provides the nursing training online and you can take the course from your home without the hassles of attending regular classes. These schools run online associate nursing degree program that provide effective training that will let you join the healthcare industry after successfully completing the course.
Online nursing training a great option...
The best thing about the online nursing continuing education is that you can complete the training according to your convenience. You can start taking the course at any point of time. You can even form a group that will help you study together and help each other in the process that will make the course even easier.
The online associate nursing degree school will provide you comprehensive training on different aspects of the profession including social science, physical science and biological science. The course will also cover other areas like humanitarian and cultural aspects of the healthcare profession. In short the course will ensure that you get in depth knowledge of the subjects and acquire the skills to take care of the patients. In short the online associate nursing degree school prepares you to become a competent medical professional. That is why so many students these days are opting for the online associate nursing degree.
The online associate nursing degree school will provide you with the theoretical aspects of the training and you need to have the practical training at any healthcare facility of your choice once you are done with the theoretical course. For the practical training you can choose any hospital or clinic that is close to your home. This training will give you a first hand experience of the profession.
About the Author
Associate Degree Nursing Online caters to the need of people who have interest in acquiring professional qualification in nursing field. Know more about Online Associate Nursing Degree School.
Source: http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=713603
Online Nursing Degree Program - A Degree Without Any Fuss
Online Nursing Degree Articles : Online Nursing Degree Program - A Degree Without Any Fuss by Ekta Jain
By now you must have heard of online nursing degree program. If you are thinking about becoming a registered, an online nursing degree program is the best choice. You can pursue a nursing degree from a regular college, but most probably you would have to either cut down on your working hours or leave the job completely.
Regular colleges require you to sit in classrooms for hours. On top of this you would have to spend hours commuting to and from college. With regular college your lifestyle will be geared around your education. With online nursing education you get to earn a good quality nursing degree without disturbing your present lifestyle. Furthermore, online nursing continuing education is cheaper than one from a regular college.
Online Classes When you pursue your online college nursing degree, you would be attending classes online. Instructors post their lectures online. You can access the lecture 24x7. You can post your queries on the message board. The instructor is available online during set hours. There are other means of communicating with the instructor- email, by phone, and teleconferencing. You complete and submit your assignments online.
An online nursing degree program will be of great help if you are thinking about becoming a RN. In order to earn an RN license you need to clear the NCLEX examination. Only those who have a Diploma, Associate Degree in Nursing, or a Bachelor Degree in Nursing are qualified to appear for the NCLEX examination. The license is granted by the respective state's Board of Nursing. It is easier for a working LPN to become a RN through an online nursing degree program. After you become a licensed RN, you need to continuously upgrade your education to keep your license current. Online nursing continuing education programs are designed for this purpose only.
There are number of financial aid options available to those aspiring to become a RN. There is a financial aid center at most online nursing colleges. You can contact them to find out what kind of financial aid is available. Federal aid is also available.
In order to find out about financial aid you need to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). After you fill it out you will get a Student Aid Report stating what you are eligible for. There are numerous scholarships available that students can qualify for. There are many public and private financial institutions that provide student loans. Study all your options and decide which one will suit you.
The demand for nurses is only going to increase in the future. More and more nurses are going to be involved in direct patient care. This means that nurses need to specialize in a field of their choice. Online nursing degree program facilitates this.
About the Author
Nursing degree info is an online information bank for people who wish to make successful career in nursing. Go for Online Nursing Degree Program for better career opportunities.
Source: http://www.goarticles.com/cgi-bin/showa.cgi?C=713590
09 March 2008
Online MBA in Healthcare
Master of Business Administration in Healthcare
Program Overview
The healthcare industry is experiencing dramatic growth and change, requiring leaders who possess both an appreciation of this industry's unique challenges and best practices, and also a comprehensive business education.
American Sentinel's MBA-Healthcare is the best of both worlds - a state-of-the-art MBA program at its core, supplemented by a special focus on health care. We designed this program to prepare graduates for senior managerial positions in healthcare capable of integrating ideas from different disciplines and industry best practices to the unique challenges of health care.
The MBA - Healthcare program courses are open for enrollment once a month.
Program Objectives
The objectives of the online MBA - Healthcare program are to:
- Develop management skills tailored to the unique challenges in the healthcare industry.
- Review the sources of competitive advantage and alternative financing mechanisms relevant to healthcare organizations.
- Explore the applications of information systems to improve decision making speed and effectiveness.
- Appreciate the legal, regulatory, and ethical challenges characteristic of the healthcare industry.
- Acquire the interpersonal skills required to manage the performance of health professionals in diverse organizational environments.
- Through the Strategic Capstone Project course, conduct research and apply lessons learned to the healthcare industry.
- Develop the insights required to integrate multiple functional perspectives and different professional perspectives to create innovative solutions to complex problems.
Delivery Method: Structured Independent Study
Source: For more information in Online Nursing Degree, MBA in Healthcare, American Sentinel University, please visit http://www.americansentinel.edu/Programs/MBAH/index.php
ป้ายกำกับ: Online Nursing American Sentinel University
Online MSN Program - American Sentinel University
The online Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program is designed for working professionals who seek to develop their skills and gain the advantage resulting from a comprehensive high-quality graduate program. The purpose of the MSN program is to prepare leaders, managers, and administrators who facilitate achievement of optimal health in the dynamic healthcare system. The program prepares students for a career as nursing administrators. This role involves management of resources, interdisciplinary collaboration, and application of technology, information systems, knowledge, and critical thinking.
The MSN program courses are open for enrollment once a month.
Program Objectives
Graduates of the online program are expected to be able to:
- Utilize theoretical knowledge to guide advanced practice nursing.
- Collaborate in research activities and utilize knowledge gained from research in advanced practice nursing.
- Evaluate health policies and economics related to the delivery of healthcare.
- Assume roles as leaders and collaborators with other professionals and communities in planning, providing, and evaluating healthcare.
Delivery Method: Structured Independent Study
Source: For more information in Online Nursing Degree, American Sentinel University, please visit http://www.americansentinel.edu/Programs/MSN/index.php
ป้ายกำกับ: Online Nursing American Sentinel University
03 March 2008
Online RN to B.Sc. Nursing - American Sentinel University
RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing at American Sentinel University
Program Overview & Prerequisites
The RN to Bachelor of Science degree completion (RN-BSN) program, based on the Colorado Nursing Articulation Model, is intended for registered nurses who desire career mobility and professional development.
Registered Nurses with credentials from a hospital school of nursing or with an Associate Degree from a community college are eligible to enroll in American Sentinel's RN-BSN degree completion program.
The Colorado Articulation Model is a statewide agreement which permits registered nurses who are graduates of community colleges and diploma programs to enter the BSN completion option without taking tests to verify prior knowledge. Students will be awarded 30 semester hours based on their current RN license, allowing them to take just 30 more credits to complete the program.
RNs who graduated within the last 3 years are eligible to enroll with no work experience or testing required. RNs enrolling after more than 3 years from graduation need to have 1,000 hrs of nursing work experience or must complete an RN Refresher Course before enrolling.
The RN-BSN completion program courses are open for enrollment twice a month.
Program Objectives
Upon completion of the RN to BS in Nursing Program, students will be able to:
- Integrate methods of research and scholarship in making and prioritizing diagnoses, and in planning, implementing, and evaluating care of individuals, groups, and communities.
- Assess health and incorporate principles and methods of health promotion and health education in nursing care of individuals, families, groups, and communities.
- Express a fundamental understanding of the problems of contemporary health and illness.
- Directly provide and manage competent care for individuals, families, and groups who have simple to complex health care needs.
- Integrate professional values and role behaviors.
- Collaborate with other groups in shaping health policies that affect both individual and community health.
Clinical Experience
American Sentinel University's clinical requirement is designed to enhance and expand the students' skills and knowledge so that they are better prepared to achieve their professional career goals.
In the RN to BSN Completion program, students are required to complete two practica - one emphasizing Community Health and the other emphasizing Leadership and Management. American Sentinel will prepare students for the clinical experiences with theory courses in Community Health Nursing and Leadership and Management. The theory courses are then followed by one three-credit practicum course in each discipline that offers the opportunity to put learning into practice.
Community Health practicum hours are accomplished in an agency that provides population based nursing. The primary assignment for this course is the completion of a community assessment and program plan.
The practicum for Leadership and Management may be accomplished at a health care agency of the student's choice. The primary assignment for this course is the completion of a project that helps an organization keep up with the fast pace of change in health care today.
In each practicum, American Sentinel faculty assists students in identifying local agencies that provide appropriate preceptors and clinical experiences.
ป้ายกำกับ: Online Nursing American Sentinel University, Online Nursing RN to BSN
Online Nursing Degree at American Sentinel University
Associate of Science in Health Information Management (Medical Coding & Billing) at American Sentinel University
Program Overview
The Associate of Science Degree in Health Information Management (Medical Coding & Billing) is intended to build the skills that students need to get a quick start in the profession of medical coding, and prepare them for positions such as Medical Coding Specialist, Medical Records Technician and other similar roles within the Health Information Management field. The program is also designed to prepare students for the Certified Coding Associate exam, which enables them to earn a widely recognized industry certification (AHIMA).
The AS in Health Information Management (Medical Coding & Billing) program courses are open for enrollment twice a month.
Program Objectives
Upon completion of the AS in Health Information Management (Medical Coding & Billing) program, students will:
- Be prepared to take a national accreditation exam.
- Express a fundamental understanding of the functioning of healthcare facilities such as hospitals, community and home health agencies, and extended care settings.
- Demonstrate proficiency in computer usage including an ability to utilize healthcare-related coding and billing software.
- Recognize medical terms and abbreviations that are commonly used in health information management systems.
- Identify the constraints and guidelines that HIPAA places on healthcare systems.
Source: For more information, please visit American Sentinel University http://www.americansentinel.edu/Programs/ASHIM/index.php
ป้ายกำกับ: Online Associate of Science in Nursing, Online Nursing American Sentinel University
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