07 December 2009

Choosing an Accredited Nursing Online School

Online Nursing Degree Article : The really important news for people searching for a new career with good pay, benefits, upward mobility and secure employment, is that you can train for it at home without sacrificing your present income. Now, you can forget about attending classes at a traditional campus institution, save time and transportation costs, and get the job done from an accredited nursing online school. Perhaps just as important, your cost for education will be somewhat less.

Online education is well accepted

The Internet has changed many of the ways we learn and do business. Today, more and more well-known colleges, universities and vocational schools have recognized this and now offer continuing course educationnursing online that has gained almost universal acceptance from healthcare industry employers. Your online training won't make you a stepchild; itwill be accepted exactly the same as a certification or degree earned at any traditional campus.

What to look for when choosing an accredited nursing online school

- When considering a nursing online registered school, here are some of the things to look for:

- A curriculum that combines both academic nursing science and clinical studies

- Course materials that are approved by the NLN

- A qualified faculty that includes people who are top-rated physicians whom are now in medical practice and/or nursing supervisors with long experience

- Courses that are approved by the NNEI

Think about your career path

Obviously, there are several ways to pursue a nursing career. You can begin at the bottom and train to be an LPN/LVN (Licensed Practical Nurse/ Licensed Vocational Nurse) and begin your career at the entry level. Or, you can select a college degree nursing online school and train to start as an RN (Registered Nurse) when you finish and receive your BSN (Bachelor of Science Nursing) degree. This latter approach will take longer, but start you on the 2nd rung of the nursing career ladder. From the RN, you can continue with college course nursing online while you are employed and receive your MSN (Master of Science Nursing) degree that will give you more money and additional medical responsibilities. The right choice depends upon your personal and family circumstances.

Right now, our economy is at the lowest ebb in years and unemployment is worsening each week. Nursing, however, is a secure field with a continuing shortage of and demand for well-trained, committed individuals. Moreover, jobs are available virtually anywhere your live. Itwill be hard to find a better career choice that you can train for at home, at your own pace, without giving up your present employment.

About the Author

For more info, you can visit this page on www.nurseblogs.org

Source: Online Nursing Degree, Online Distance Learning articles at goarticles.com

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